What’s a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture, where we share the risks and the harvests of farming.

Reciprocity & Mutual Benefit.

Creating the culture and economy we want requires an investment in cultural principles as well as finances. Community Supported Agriculture:

  • Is rooted in Afro-Indigenous farming practices

  • Allows members to purchase shares in a farmer’s production before the season.

  • Offers members access to the bounties of the farmer’s seasonal harvest

  • Enables farmers the ability to use advanced capital which offers some financial security and flexibility to market prior to harvesting

  • Empowers both members and the farmer to build a caring community where grace can carry the burden of living in a capitalist anti-black patriarchal and transform us and how we be with one another.

Our Community.

We are a decidely embodied anti-racist, anti-oppression community. We embrace all individuals with whom our anti-oppression principles resonate. We are a generative, transformational community that centers, love, care, and accountability. You are welcome and we affirm that you will be well to come. Let us be well together